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Glasgow recent comments:

  • Barrowland Ballroom, Ryan (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Great atmosphere, but in dire need of investment!
  • former Queenslie housing estate, elizabeth wilson (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    moved from Horndean to Penston Rd around 1980 neighbour upstairs was mrs fagan what a lovely woman
  • former Queenslie housing estate, elizabeth wilson (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    lived in 21 hordean cres from around 1971 love it had grat neighbours and friends
  • Egypt, LRH (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    This is called Egypt because the fella who owned the town house which is now the old folks home returned from military service in Egypt, bought the land that is now Tollcross and named it such.
  • former Queenslie housing estate, billy d (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    what a place wish it was still there great friends my family was one of the first to live there not a bad word to say about it
  • Madness Theatre of Fun, (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    one of the best pubs in the whole of glasgow
  • Cranhill, MJM (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    my mother was the first tennent in Startpoint Street,(Elizabeth McCarter)i was born in No 85`and had a lot of happy memories growing up there, sometimes a tough environment, periodic problems with the gang culture (cody)(bunch of young idiots who were full of unjustified bravado. The pitch and putt course was a fantastic venue for young kids of my generation, and i lost myself in there for hours. As a young lad i , with some mates used to suppliment my pocket money rising at 6am and delivering milk with `Scottish Farmers`, Gemmels the rivals paid more but i did not find a way to get on that run, i also delivered sunday newspapers, and in the summer months, we used to go with guy who worked for the post office in what seemed a huge truck, and help with his deliveries all over the city and probably beyond, delivered back to where we picked him up, and considerably richer for our days labours(this would never happen to-day of course)I also remember scrambles from the various weddings at both churches. Cranhill school used to close in the summer and they used to have foreign exchange students from France/ Germany and Italy all very exotic to our ears and great fun to be with.The school also threw open the swimming pool during the summer months which saved us going to shettleston I also remember playing football in cranhill park , and on a couple of occasions played with Joe and Jimmy Smith and Kenny Aird,Joe was a year younger than me at the time and was a million times more talented, a skill i recognised straight away the first time i played with him, always 3 yards in front and dazzling dribling skills just like his elder brother Jimmy. I had two girlfriends that i still remember to this day, Liz Beacom, and Margaret Robinson but we went our inevitable seperate ways, it`s a shame that the Cranhill that i knew no longer exists, it was a great place to be raised
  • Ruchill Hospital (disused), Buzby wrote 15 years ago:
    As of April 2010, demolition work has now commenced on the site, and the red brick facade and tower will shortly disappear.
  • The Dalriada Hotel, tam mac (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Had ma first pint in the Dal, was some place when it first opened
  • Queenslie, stevo (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    miss the place so much was an amazing place to grow up so shit they pult it doon n rebuilt shitty cranhill. i was born and bred in the good old queenslie born 1982 and moved in 1997. i lived in 2 diff houses in horndean cres think it was 64 then 32. my nana lived on lonmay across fae the shops in the triangle :D
  • Cranhill, frankie (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    lived at 71 longstone road 1958 to 1960 with my aunt and uncle kitty and jimmy who ran the ice cream vans
  • Cranhill, (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    I lived no 2 Skerryvore Road,from 1952 facing the water tank for 21 years, played at football and games with the boys and girls from the 3 closes facing the water tank. The Youngs, Brooks, Malroys and my name is Davie Melrose, I lived there with my 3 Brothers and Sister, I went th St Modens and the Greg. As for the Sugies! the amount of dooins I got for playn on them, I lost count ha ha. Has anyone ever questioned what the Sugar mountains where. As the birds never landed on them and nothing ever grew on it. There was a lime green pond at the bottom nxt to the school and the church which looked very alien. But it must have been safe as the council of the time built 3 schools a church and a community centre next to it!!! Any other comments as its a mystery where they dissapeared to after they built the flats on the site.
  • City Chambers, disgruntled weegie (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    a centre of corruption
  • Cranhill Park, mkelly (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    many many endless days playing football in the park
  • Glasgow Central Low Level Station (1896), James (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    After the renumbering of the platforms in Glasgow Central Station the lower level platforms are now numbered 16 & 17 not 14 & 15
  • Merrylee Parish Church, Hugh Cameron (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Check your facts! For many years MERRYLEA Parish Church has stood in MERRYLEE Road. Just one of those little anomalies which make life so interesting!
  • AMF Tenpin Bowling, Will B (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    This is home to the Saltire Strikers ten pin bowling club for visually impaired
  • "The Burn" - site of former open cast coal mine, RK77 wrote 15 years ago:
    06/02/2010 Added "invisible" category. Would prefer to see a reference to the coal mine...
  • Shimla Pinks, RK77 wrote 15 years ago:
    Probably would complement it...
  • All Saints, graeme262 (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    (Formerly borders)