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Glasgow recent comments:

  • George Hotel Building, Vinctor fox (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    The inaccuracy will remain with the journalists and the public.
  • The Dalriada Hotel, Stevie Mac (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Aye.They used to do a lot of Alex Harvey if I remember .Kenny Sloane had a great voice with fantastic range.
  • The Dalriada Hotel, Grace Ohara wrote 10 years ago:
    remember your band well still remember song you wrote...."Do you love her" good memories
  • The Dalriada Hotel, Grace Ohara wrote 10 years ago:
    hullo Sincy lol I was Julie Connellys pal...Grace dunno if you remember times
  • Cranhill, Marlene Lichtenfeld wrote 11 years ago:
    Hi Linda, My name is Marlene Reid Lichtenfeld now my I live in San Diego California but my cousinJoanne Reid Rodrigues lives in Jersey. She has written two books one just released last yr Slim Happy and Free. She is well known in Jersey, and my sister Jeanette lives in S.D also. We were invited to Jersey and had a lovely time my younger sister Elaine lives in England and 4 brothers still in Scotland
  • Cranhill, Marlene Lichtenfeld wrote 11 years ago:
    Would enjoy hearing from anyone who remembers me Arriaan Lackie, Jean with the red hair whatever happened to everyone?
  • Cranhill High Flats (former site of Sugarolly Mountains), Linda Rahim (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    i grew up in Irvine, Ayrshire and we had the Blue Billy that sounds similar to your Sugarollie mountain. I now live in Canada (32 years) and visited my Aunt in Rothesay in May when I was over. She's 82 years old and she is a wonderful artist. She gave me one of her paintings and it's her impression of the Sugarollie mountains that she remembered from her childhood. I was googling the Sugarollie mountains this evening when I came across your comments so I just had to tell you this wee story :) Cheers! Linda (near Niagara Falls, Canada)
  • Recovery Drivers' Club, George (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Was at a recent birthday party in this club, absolutely brilliant night, staff and especially the DJ were fantasic
  • St Kentigern's RC Cemetery, edward diamond (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    looking for the grave of my great grandmother Elizabeth mc Mullen died September 1960 at the little sisters of the poor in Glasgow
  • Carnwadric Primary School, Ann Desmond wrote 11 years ago:
    Hi Maureen, Would you believe I started at Carnwadric School in 1953, aged 5 and continued on to Shawlands Academy in 1960, aged 12. I now live in New Zealand too - and I remember Miss McVane well. Cheers, Ann
  • Royal College Building, RapidAssistant wrote 11 years ago:
    It's lost in the mists of time unfortunately, as far as I can tell the lift tower in the centre courtyard was added in 1990, but the floor renumbering happened probably back in the '60s.
  • George Hotel Building, RapidAssistant wrote 11 years ago:
    well the inaccuracy will remain then until someone else proves otherwise.
  • The Dalriada Hotel, Jim brown (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Hi joe , read your comment on the dal. Great pub apart from the never to be forgotten battles. Have enjoyed a drink with you on a few occasions . Jim brown.
  • Petershill Allotments, gr1ng0 (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    My mistake :( ...........Sorry it is the home of the Plotholders.
  • 76 Collina Street, Cube Housing Association (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    The block at 76 Collina Street is not being demolished. It's to be refurbished in 2014 with a new heating system being installed.
  • Albion Plant, cstevencampbell wrote 11 years ago:
    Albion buses made here in the 1950s and 1960s.
  • Cranhill, Steve Donoghue (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Lived at 67 Longstone Road early 1960's just a couple of doors up from Kitty and Jimmy, was a great time by the canal and up at the garages playing football.
  • Bellahouston Allotments, Alice Moore (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    See Bellahouston Allotments blogspot for the latest on the scandal.
  • Chancellor's Hall, batman (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    anybody seen my batmobil? pls call me batman x
  • St Bartholomew's RC Church, Castlemilk, olddobson (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    Part of the grounds that this church stands on were once Croftfoot Farm.