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Glasgow recent comments:

  • Cranhill High Flats (former site of Sugarolly Mountains), Tommy Walker (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Many days spent with the arse of my trousers burnt .
  • Cranhill Primary School, STEPH AND MEG (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    This use to be our school. we use to go to school together. we would meet up at the post office.
  • Cranhill Water Tower, STEPHANIE KNIGHT (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
  • 333 Woodlands Road, Kunal (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Place Comments Is Very Fun,,
  • Donald Dewar Statue, bloo (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    I think he looks like Sven Goran Ericsson????
  • The Cathouse Rock Club, bloo (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Loads of sweaty moshers
  • Bannatyne's, bloo (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Let me tell you where I am...............I'm out!!
  • Casino, bloo (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    put it all on red
  • T J Hughes, bloo (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    TJ Hughes - great place to shop if your a tinker
  • Santander Building, bloo (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    "great place to work!" My Arse!
  • Scotstoun Athletic Centre, court (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    that centre is very good!!!!
  • Chung Ying, Jen-y (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Bloody excellent place
  • Kings Park Secondary School, ?? (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    the worst school
  • Zen Garden, amytiger wrote 18 years ago:
  • Cranhill High Flats (former site of Sugarolly Mountains), Douglas McEwan (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    The "Sugarolly Mountains",below is an excerpt taken from Glasgow Digital Library, whilst no mention has been made of the heaps at Cranhill we assume fly tipping was just a bit more extreme then and it originated from the same source. ................................................................................ The Tennant Chemical Works had been established at St Rollox by Charles Tennant, whose first product was a bleaching powder, patented in 1799 for use in the textile industry on cotton and linen. It was the largest works of its kind in Europe. The works' enormous chimney, known as 'Tennant's Stalk', was, at the height of 455 feet, the tallest chimney in the world. The large heap of waste byproducts dumped beside the factory was known to local people by nicknames such 'the soda waste' and was an unofficial children's playground. The 'Stalk' was dismantled in the 1920s, and during the hazardous operation four men were killed. The chemical works closed in 1964. The company still exists and has headquarters in Bath Street and a factory in Maryhill.
  • NA-ME..marine engineering dept., kunal soni (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
  • NA-ME..marine engineering dept., kunal soni (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    KUNAL SONI Room No. 423, Godavari hostel, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Chennai 600036. January 18, 2007. Subject: Application for internship in the month of May-July 2007. Dear sir/madam, I am a 3rd year B.Tech student from IIT-Madras pursuing my graduation in the discipline of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. I have completed 5th semester successfully with absolutely clear record and will finish the 6th semester by April 2007.I am looking for a project oriented internship at a good college/university where I can apply my knowledge to the practical problem(s) by contributing/assisting in a project. It will not only be a good learning experience but a means to develop a future vision as I have serious plans for building a thriving carrier as a Naval/oceanic researcher. Some interested areas: 1) Ship resistance and propulsion calculations. 2) Design of propeller blades and hull. 3) CFD analysis applicable to ocean engineering. 4)Application of operations research in Naval industry. Sincerely, Kunal soni.
  • Bridge and Tunnel Entrance, amytiger wrote 18 years ago:
    There is an exciting tunnel underneath.
  • Scout Hut for 1st Glasgow Scout Group, Momo (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    This place rocks!!!
  • ( site of ) Red Road Flats, Adam Carrington (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    not yet. their being pulled down one by one. the process beginning in 2009.