This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32329389 places and counting.
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Holyrood Sports Centre and Astroturf Pitch,
rg murray (guest)
18 years ago:
This was once a boating pond before ww2
Pollok Country Park,
yash (guest)
18 years ago:
Garrowhill Train Station,
David (guest)
18 years ago:
When I lived in Garrowhill, many years ago, this was known as "Garrowhill Halt".
Mure Memorial Church,
David (guest)
18 years ago:
This is a christian church. When I was a child an attempt was made to brainwash me into believing in invisible things that lived in the sky. Luckily I resisted to become the man I am today.
Dobbie's Garden Centre,
cosby (guest)
18 years ago:
the "real" fake dobbies garden centre. where you can buy a litre of colour.
Glasgow recent comments: